

Operation Catnip is able to offer no-cost clinics thanks to our dedicated volunteers and generous supporters. However, "no cost" does not mean "free." Every clinic costs thousands of dollars for our surgical and medical supplies alone.  

We provide excellent care for every cat, including pain medications, and do not cut corners on their treatment.  We simply request that people donate what they can afford. No one will ever be turned away due to an inability to pay. However, we rely strictly on donations to fund the clinic since we receive no government funding whatsoever nor do we have any paid personnel.  

Without your donations, we would be unable to continue providing our monthly clinic.

For NC state employees who wish to donate through payroll, our SECC number is #2542.

You can support us through Amazon.  Our wishlist

Operation Catnip is a 501c(3) tax-exempt organization and donations are tax deductible.  Donation receipts are available upon request.

To make a donation to Operation Catnip:

You can Venmo us at @OCRaleigh (QR code below)
You can Ca$hApp us at $OCRaleigh (QR code below)
You can mail us a donation at Operation Catnip  PO Box 90744  Raleigh, NC  27675
You can donate through PayPal below