
General Guidelines

There is a list of participating veterinary practices and a map of their location at the bottom of this page under "Helpful Links"

Please be advised that vouchers purchased from 3/21 through 3/24 will be delayed.  I will be out of state with no access to the internet for those few days.  I will get caught up on 3/25 and 3/26.

Vouchers have a 3 month expiration date.

Please allow 24 to 48 hours for vouchers to be issued.  If you have not received your voucher by then, check your spam/junk folder first.  If they are not there, please email vouchers@ocraleigh.org 

Each $60 voucher covers surgery (to include pregnant females and cryptorchid males), ear crop, vaccinations (rabies and FVRCP), and initial pain meds.  Pain meds that go home will be an additional expense paid to the vet practice by the caretaker.

Our vouchers are intended for free-roaming community cats only.  These vouchers are not intended for pets or friendly cats you wish to keep inside or adopt to another person.  Each cat will have 3/8" of their left ear cut straight across (ear crop) to identify them as sterilized and vaccinated community cats.  No exceptions will be made.  Please do not attempt to use our vouchers improperly; you may be refused future services and will put the program at risk.

Any other services requested of the participating veterinarian will be at your expense.  Bring the voucher to your appointment and sign the voucher on the day of surgery.  If you have general questions about community cats and trapping, contact Operation Catnip.  The vets that accept our vouchers are not representatives of Operation Catnip.

Cats must go to the participating veterinarian in a humane trap (not carriers) and there must be one cat per trap.  Operation Catnip does loan out traps with a fully refundable $20 cash deposit per trap.  

Please confirm your appointment before requesting traps, but keep in mind we will need time to arrange to meet you to get the trap.

You must make an appointment with the participating veterinary clinic directly.  State that you have an Operation Catnip voucher when you make the appointment.  Listen carefully to that clinic's instructions.  Please keep in mind that these are private practices that may or may not be able to accommodate your schedule.  If one clinic on the list is unavailable, try another.  These practices voluntarily accept our vouchers for community cats while continuing to operate their business.

We cannot guarantee we will be able to help you if you decide to take a chance and trap a cat first.  And never trap a cat more than 2-3 days out from an appointment with a vet.

Instructions for Vouchers

Apply for Free/Subsidized Voucher

We do have wonderful people that either purchase vouchers for others or donate the vouchers they can't use.  In order to be good stewards, we have set up household income guidelines.  Supporting documentation will need to be uploaded.  See application for details.

If you would like to donate a voucher(s) please use the Donate page

For a free voucher, household income must be below $35,000 per year.

For a subsidized voucher, household income must be between $35,001 and $45,000 per year.  Subsidized vouchers can be purchased for $30 per voucher.  If you qualify for a subsidized voucher, you will purchase your voucher through the Donation button on the Donate page.

A household income of over $45,000 does not qualify.